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Paraguay presses competing bid for $1.5 bln Argentina-Brazil gas port

Paraguay is advancing talks with energy firms and highranking federal government authorities from Argentina and Brazil over a possible $1.5 billion gas pipeline to link the 3 countries, senior federal government authorities for Paraguay and Brazil told .

The strategy being drawn up by Paraguay, reported in information for the first time, aims to take on a rival Bolivian quote to repurpose existing pipelines to transport Argentine gas to Brazil. If either job is recognized it would mark a significant potential shift in regional energy flows.

We wish to sign a memorandum of comprehending at a. presidential level (for the pipeline) in June, Mauricio. Bejarano, Paraguay's deputy mining and energy minister told. . There is a general assistance for the task.

As decreasing gas output in Bolivia forces Brazil to look for. other providers, the possible option of gas originating from. Argentina's growing Vaca Muerta shale region by means of the Paraguayan. Chaco is gaining traction, said Rodrigo Maluff, Paraguay's vice. minister of investment. It would include an estimated financial investment. of $1.2-$ 1.5 billion, partly from the economic sector, he included.

Federal governments and business from Argentina and Brazil have. likewise engaged in

talks with Bolivia

considering that in 2015 over what they believe might be the fastest. and least expensive option to transport gas from Vaca Muerta to the. north of the area, which would involve reversing the flow of. Bolivia's pipeline network.

In current months, Paraguayan authorities have actually courted. investors in Sao Paulo, met with Brazil's energy minister in. Asuncion and authorities from Argentina. Tecpetrol, which manages. some 15% of Argentina's shale gas output, was part of these. newest talks, as was Buenos Aires-based Pluspetrol, Maluff stated.

The business did not respond to an ask for comment.

The Paraguayans said the pipeline's preliminary daily. capability is projected at 15 million cubic meters in the very first. stage.

Alexandre Silveira, the Brazilian Mines and Energy Minister. who took a trip to Asuncion in April told that he was aware. of Paraguay's intent and revealed support, but stated even more. studies were needed.

We agreed to set up another conference with the economic sector. to better study the viability, Silveira stated.

Strategies shown reveal the new pipeline would. run 110 kilometers (68.35 miles) from Campos Duran in northern. Argentina to the Paraguayan border, throughout another 530 km of. dry, flat land in the Paraguayan Chaco to reach Brazil.

An extra 400 km of pipeline would connect Carmelo. Peralta on the Paraguayan-Brazilian border to Matto Grosso do. Sul and from there possibly join the existing Gasbol line to. Sao Paulo, Brazil's most significant city.

The governments of Bolivia and Argentina did not respond. to requests for comment.

Bolivia has for years been a key gas provider to Brazil. and Argentina, however its decreasing output and the prospective development. of the Vaca Muerta shale region are poised to change the energy. circulation dynamic.

Silveira stated that the 2 propositions were not equally. special: One does not leave out the other, he stated. The. Paraguay option would assist Brazil supply energy to its Tres. Lagoas fertilizer plant in Mato Grosso do Sul, he included.

Brazil has actually explained that Argentine gas from Vaca Muerta -. the world's second biggest shale gas formation and 4th. largest for shale oil - will be required to stabilize products due. to the decline in Bolivia's gas production.

Brazil represents the need, energy expert Victorio. Oxilia, a teacher at the National University of Asuncion stated. Without the Brazilian market nothing occurs, so the position. the nation takes with a task is basic..