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Copper weighed down by consistent dollar, soft demand

Copper prices trended lower on Wednesday on a stable U.S. dollar, softening demand and higher stocks in leading customer China.

Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange (LME). lost 0.5% to $10,802.50 per metric lot by 0214 GMT,. cooling after a rally that pressed prices to a record high on. Monday.

The most-traded June copper agreement on the Shanghai Futures. Exchange (SHFE) was down 0.8% to 86,500 yuan. ($ 11,949.66) a load.

The dollar was steady against a handful of peers on. Wednesday, as the market examined calls for perseverance from. Federal Reserve officials and awaited the publication of Fed. minutes for more insight on the reserve bank's rates of interest. course.

A more powerful dollar makes it more pricey to buy the. greenback-priced commodity.

Likewise weighing on copper was weak physical demand in top. consumer China after prices struck record highs and mounting. stocks.

Copper storage facility stocks on SHFE stood at 291,020 tons last. Friday, more than four times greater than that in the beginning. of February.

LME aluminium slipped 0.1% to $2,723.50 a heap,. nickel dropped 0.4% to $21,210, zinc was little. moved at $3,138.50, tin decreased 0.3% to $33,225, while. lead gained 0.5% to $2,348.

SHFE aluminium climbed up 0.7% to 21,285 yuan a ton,. zinc advanced 0.6% to 24,830 yuan, tin included. 0.5% to 279,000 yuan, while lead fell 1.6% to 18,590. yuan, and nickel was flat at 157,820 yuan.

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