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Russia warns of 'massive risk' if NATO sends soldiers to Ukraine

Russia stated on Wednesday that sending out NATO troops into Ukraine would potentially be very dangerous, and Moscow was closely enjoying a Ukrainian petition that called for such an intervention.

The petition, published on the Ukrainian president's. website, states Ukraine ought to ask the United States, Britain and. other nations to send troops to assist it push back Russia's. intrusion.

The Kyiv program is rather unpredictable, Kremlin. spokesman Dmitry Peskov said when asked about it at his day-to-day. rundown.

We have consistently stated that direct intervention on the. ground in this conflict by the armed force of NATO nations. potentially carries huge danger, so we consider this an. very challenging justification, absolutely nothing less, and, of course,. we are watching this very thoroughly.

It was uncertain if the petition would collect the needed. number of votes - 25,000 - to require President Volodymyr. Zelenskiy to react by either approving or declining it. As of. Wednesday morning it had actually brought in 1,594 votes.

NATO has actually backed Ukraine in the war by providing it with. significantly effective weapons consisting of tanks and long-range. rockets, but has not stepped in directly with troops -. something that U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President. Vladimir Putin have both cautioned might cause World War 3.

French President Emmanuel Macron has stated the concern. of sending Western troops to Ukraine would legitimately occur. if Russia broke through Ukrainian lines and Kyiv requested it.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova. said on Wednesday that Russia would target French soldiers if they. were sent to Ukraine.