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Impala is considering early closure of Canadian palladium mining after price crash

Impala Platinum's (Implats') CEO Nico Muller announced that the company could shut down its palladium mining operation in Canada sooner than expected if metal prices do not recover immediately. This was after a 43 percent drop in profits for the first half of 2012.

Palladium's price has dropped the most of any platinum group metal (PGM), from a peak in March 2022 of around $3,440 per ounce down to its current level of $921.

Muller stated that Implats may close the Canada Mine before the expiration of the remaining two years. However, no final decision was made yet.

Muller told a press conference that he was not surprised that in the coming months, we would come to the conclusion that a responsible and accelerated winding down of this operation is the most cost-effective way to deal (Impala Canada).

The miner has decided to cancel dividend payments after the first half profits fell to 1.85 billion rand (100.15 dollars) due to lower metal prices.

Muller said Implats was assessing South African mines struggling to turn a profit.

(source: Reuters)