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Asia gold-Demand drops in India and China after price spike

The demand for gold in India fell this week as prices reached a record-high, causing retailers to reduce their retail sales and force dealers to offer discounts. Meanwhile, the demand in China, the world's largest consumer, also declined after Lunar New Year.

The consumer is not ready to pay prices that are unprecedented. "They need time to adjust to this price rally," Ashok Jain said, owner of Mumbai-based wholesaler Chenaji Narsinghji.

This week, the domestic gold price reached a new record of 86 360 rupees per 10 grams. The price of gold has risen by over 12% in 2025, after having risen more than 21% last year.

This week, Indian dealers offered a discount Up to $26 per ounce above official domestic prices. This includes 6% import duties and 3% sales taxes.

"We're in a strange situation. Neither demand nor supply exists. Bullion banks do not import gold due to higher prices and jewellers don't buy because of the sluggish demand from retail," said a Mumbai-based bank dealer.

The record gold rally has cast a dark shadow over jewellery purchases during India's wedding season.

The gold leasing rates in India doubled to a new record within a single month, after the rates on the overseas market jumped because of a shortage as banks diverted the precious metals to the U.S.

In China, gold is sold at spot prices with a discount of 18 dollars per ounce.

Independent analyst Ross Norman stated that "gold is just below its all-time highs when expressed in yuan and this clearly has a negative impact on sentiment."

Bullion was traded in Japan At a discount from $6 to $0.5.

Two Japanese traders stated that the general public is keen to sell and make profits due to this price spike.

In Singapore, dealers quoted a discount The premium per ounce is $2.20, a difference of $1. Hong Kong dealers charged $2 per ounce as a premium . $1 = 86.8733 Indian Rupees (Reporting from Anjana Anil and Rajendra Jhadhav in Mumbai, Editing by Rashmi aich)

(source: Reuters)