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Copper treads water as financiers reassess recent rally

Copper rates were nearly unchanged on Friday, as traders and investors reassessed the sustainability of a recent red hot rally that pressed costs to a. record high.

Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange was. flat at $10,418.50 per metric lot by 0414 GMT, while the. most-traded July copper contract on the Shanghai Futures. Exchange advanced 0.1% to 84,030 yuan ($ 11,597.70) a. ton.

LME copper, despite striking a record high $11,104.50 a ton. on Monday, is still down 2.4% on a weekly basis, on track for. the worst week given that the week ended Feb. 9.

SHFE copper, however, is still set for a weekly gain. The. contract likewise struck a record high of 88,940 yuan a lot on Monday.

Funds have actually been purchasing metals including copper, wagering it. would remain in shortage, as the world needs those metals to. shift into a green economy. The rally was also propelled by. a brief squeeze on the U.S. Comex exchange.

Nevertheless, physical demand in China, the world's greatest. copper consumer, has been dampened. The typical premium to import. copper into China has actually been turned into a discount considering that. mid-May. << SMM-CUYP-CN >

LME aluminium fell 0.3% to $2,613 a lot, zinc. edged down 0.1% at $3,061, lead decreased 0.4% to. $ 2,296, tin decreased 0.1% to $33,430 while nickel. edged up 0.1% to $20,095.

SHFE aluminium relieved 0.2% to 20,915 yuan a lot,. nickel dropped 0.8% to 151,930 yuan, tin. declined 0.3% to 272,590 yuan, while zinc increased 0.7% to. 24,655 yuan and lead edged up 0.2% at 18,525 yuan.

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