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Shanghai copper falls on first trading session after holiday

Shanghai copper rates fell on Monday tracking losses in London, amid a firmer dollar and a lack of clear demand improvement from the distressed Chinese home market.

The most-traded June copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) fell 0.7% to 81,180 yuan ($ 11,254.84). per metric load at the midday break, tracking an aggregated 0.8%. decrease on the London Metal Exchange, while the Chinese. markets were closed for a holiday last week.

SHFE zinc shed 0.2% to 23,330 yuan, tin. dropped 0.6% to 259,820 yuan, while aluminium rose 0.7%. to 20,745 yuan, lead sophisticated 1.4% to 17,575 yuan and. nickel increased 0.4% to 144,590 yuan.

The London Metal Exchange is closed for a public holiday.

The dollar index rebounded, after striking a. three-week low in the previous session. A firmer dollar makes. greenback-priced metals more pricey for holders of other. currencies.

Copper costs have been supported by a potential cut of. smelters' output due to minimal mine supply. However, data has. not reflected any large cut and smelters with long-lasting raw. product supply contracts are less likely to do so soon.

The (copper) smelting earnings of long-term orders still. remains above 1,700 yuan a ton, so the desire of companies. with long-lasting orders to actively lower production may be. fairly limited, stated Huatai Futures in a report.

In spite of the Chinese realty sector showed no sign of. bottoming out, consistent need from the power, electric cars. and home devices sectors contributed to a typically excellent. end-user copper need, Huatai analysts said in the report.

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