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US Senate Judiciary Committee requests Trump to explain the rationale behind firing 18 IGs

The Republican Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the top Democrat on the panel, asked U.S. president Donald Trump for his reasoning behind firing 18 inspectors who provide oversight to U.S. federal agencies.

Senators Chuck Grassley, and Dick Durbin asked Trump to "immediately provide" the legally required substantive justification. They also requested that Trump share the names of all officials who would serve in an interim role.

The law must be obeyed. The senators wrote that "the communication to Congress should contain more than vague and general statements, but instead include enough facts and details so as to assure Congress and public that the termination was due to genuine concerns about the ability of the Inspector General to perform their mission."

The group also urged Trump to "move quickly to nominate non-partisan and qualified individuals to fill these vacant positions."

Trump has fired the IGs of the Departments of State, Defense, Transportation, Labor, Health and Human Services, Veterans Affairs and others.

The White House has not yet commented.

Inspectors General are independent watchdogs who have the task of rooting out fraud, waste and abuse. Inspectors general are independent watchdogs who investigate a range of issues, from the oversight of Boeing 737 MAX production to military aid for Ukraine.

Inspectors general were

Unexpectedly fired

On Friday evening, agencies like the Department of Defense or Department of State removed their inspectors generals despite the legal requirement that the president notify Congress 30 day in advance. He also had to provide a thorough explanation of the removal. Democrats and other inspectors general have expressed concern over their removal, as they fear that Trump might try to replace them.

(source: Reuters)