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Suez, Siemens and Abu Dhabi National Energy Business join up in desalination initiative

French energy business Suez, German business Siemens and Abu Dhabi National Energy Business have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to participate in a desalination initiative to help emerging market countries.


Global warming and droughts have actually put pressure on the amount of drinking water materials around the world.

In 2021, the United Nations said water shortage and drought might wreak damage on a scale to equal the COVID-19 pandemic.

Desalination innovations can play an essential role in dealing with this issue, by making sea water drinkable.


This in turn has actually led to business chances for companies supplying desalination technologies and services.

In June, Namibia - which was facing its worst drought in over a century - stated it would start building its long-awaited 2nd desalination plant in January 2025.


Suez's involvement highlights our commitment to developing more budget-friendly and sustainable supply of water innovations, stated Suez Middle East CEO José Cheurlin.


A 2019 United Nations-backed worldwide study of the desalination industry found the world's roughly 16,000 plants produced usually 1.5 litres of brine for every single litre of fresh water.

Saudi Arabia produces the most brine, at 22% of the world's. total, the research study said.

(source: Reuters)