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Russian drone attack disrupts power supply to parts of Ukraine's Sumy area

A Russian drone attack cut power to more than 400,000 consumers in parts of Ukraine's northeast region of Sumy, authorities said on Monday, after Kyiv stated its air defence forces downed 12 attack drones in the area overnight.

Work to bring back electrical energy continued into the morning as 91 settlements out of the 1,325 impacted remained without power in the region, national grid operator Ukrenergo stated on Telegram messaging app.

Electrical power supply has actually been brought back in the impacted settlements and parts of the city of Sumy, the region's. military administration stated on Telegram.

Ukraine's flying force stated that Russia released 13 attack. drones against Ukraine. Air defence systems downed 12 of the air. weapons over the Sumy region.

Russia's current enormous drone and missile attacks have. progressively been targeted at Ukraine's energy system, causing. blackouts in many areas and substantial damage to its thermal. and hydropower stations.

These attacks triggered more than $1 billion worth of damage to. the sector, Ukraine's energy minister German Galushchenko said. on Sunday.

As the country races to repair its stations ahead of the. winter season, it has actually turned to solar and wind power generation, in. addition to imports from Europe, for assistance.

could not individually confirm the reports. There. was no instant comment from Russia, which has actually been pummelling. Ukraine's east and south areas with drones and rockets. throughout the war.