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Red Sea combating traps two oil ships in Houthi waters

2 tankers, containing oil and poisonous waste, are stuck in the Red Sea in the shooting line in between Western naval forces and Yemen's Houthi militants in spite of repeated efforts by the United Nations to empty and move the ships to prevent a spill.

The vessels, among which has been stranded for many years, are near the port of Ras Issa from where Iran-aligned Houthis launch rockets on ships travelling through the Red Sea and where U.S. rockets land as they target the Houthis.

The United Nations last year led efforts to get rid of a million barrels of oil from the rotting tanker, the FSO Safer, to a new tanker, the MT Yemen, in an operation that cost $121 million.

The UN had actually hoped to move the FSO Safer, which still contains harmful waste water and oily residue, for disposal in other places and offer the oil aboard the MT Yemen.

Neither of the ships has moved given that August as the Houthis and their foes in Yemen's internationally-recognised federal government could not agree who ought to receive the money for the oil, a. Houthi source speaking on condition of anonymity told .

The source likewise said there was no an agreement to tow the. ship away.

The UN Development Programme said it was in discussion with. all appropriate parties in Yemen about the handover of the vessel.

( UNDP) has not had any indication from the de facto. authorities in Yemen of hazards to deliberately harm the. vessel, a UNDP spokesperson said, describing the Houthis.

A source with the worldwide recognised Yemeni. government, also speaking on condition of privacy, stated he. thought the Houthis have actually refused to launch either of the ships. and were using them to increase their bargaining power.


A former supertanker built in the 1970s, the FSO Safer was. transformed into a floating storage and unloading center for. oil before the break out of civil war in Yemen in 2014.

It is so decayed its decomposing hull threatened to spill its. cargo into the Red Sea.

Last year, the United Nations contracted Dutch-based SMIT. Salvage, which removed the oil. Belgium's Euronav provided the. MT Yemen vessel.

The hazardous sludge and wash water used to scrub oil out of the. tanker have still not been gotten rid of, a shipping source stated.

He asked not to be called due to the level of sensitivity of the. matter and included that some 70,000 metric tons of residue were. still onboard the FSO Safer.

A representative for Boskalis, the parent company of SMIT. salvage, stated it had been contracted to get rid of the oil but not. the Safer vessel.

Belgium's Euronav has maintained a team onboard the MT Yemen. because August under its agreement with the UN.

Once the handover procedure is total, the crew will. leave, the UNDP representative said.

Euronav said it continued to help the UNDP to safely. handover the MT Yemen. It did not specify who may ultimately. get the ship.