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Morocco to nearly double its energy capacity by 2027- minister

Morocco prepares to invest $7. billion to add 9 gigawatts to its 11 GW installed energy. capability by 2027, energy minister Leila Benali said on. Wednesday.

Renewables would comprise 6.5 GW of the included capacity, Benali. informed a conference on batteries in Rabat. Eco-friendly capacity is. currently 4.5 GW, or 37.6% of total capacity, according to. electrical power regulator.

Morocco has invested $6 billion in renewables because 2009,. seeking to increase their share of the country's energy mix to. 52% by 2050, mainly through financial investments in solar and wind.

We need to invest more in areas like grids- to improve. development of renewables in our nation - storage and. batteries, Benali said.

In regards to actual production, about 70% of Morocco's. electrical power is produced from coal, with renewable energy. accounting for 20% in 2015, official figures revealed.

The government stated in March that it will build melted. gas infrastructure in the Mediterranean port of Nador. and connect it with a pipeline through which Morocco has been. importing gas from Spanish LNG terminals.

Gas plays a vital function in our energy shift,. the minister said.

Previously this year, the government unveiled rewards and. determined 1 million hectares as part of its green hydrogen. offer to attract investors, targeting both the domestic market. and exports.

Green hydrogen, produced by splitting water through. electrolysis using renewable resource, is anticipated to play a key. role in decarbonising markets.