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Lukoil's Volgograd refinery struck by second drone attack this year

Russian oil giant Lukoil's. Volgograd refinery was partly shut down after being. struck by a drone attack on Sunday, two sources familiar with the. matter said, the 2nd such attack this year on the largest. refinery in southern Russia.

The attack caused a fire at the 300,000 barrel-per-day. refinery but it was put out quickly and there were no. casualties, the head of the Volgograd area Andrei Bocharov. stated.

Ukraine has actually been firing drones at Russian oil centers. during its war with Russia and a drone attack on the Volgograd. center in February was by Ukraine, a source in Kyiv told. at the time.

The CDU-1 unit, the plant's biggest system, was damaged by. Sunday's attack, triggering an emergency shutdown and was still. offline on Monday, sources acquainted with the matter stated.

Lukoil decreased to talk about the fire.

The CDU-1 unit has a capacity of 18,590 metric tons each day,. or annual production of 6.5 million metric tons of oil, and. accounts for 43% of the refinery's capacity and 49% of the. real refinery processing in the first quarter of 2024.

The refinery's 2nd most significant unit, CDU-6, which can produce. 14,570 metric heaps per day or 34% of the refinery's capability,. was likewise set up to stop for repairs from April 26-June 1. It was not clear if the maintenance was on schedule.

3 quarters of if both CDU-1 and CDU-6 are both offline. the refinery's processing might currently be idle.

After the drone attack on the Volgograd refinery at the. beginning of February, which triggered a fire at the CDU-5 system. which has capacity of 9,100 metric tons daily, the repair. was finished in 18 days, sources stated.

In 2023 the Volgograd refinery processed 13.508 million. metric lots of oil, or 4.9% of the overall refining volume at. Russian refineries.

The plant produced 1.991 million metric lots of motor. fuel, which amounted to 4.6% of the total production of. motor fuel in the Russian Federation, 6.761 million metric. tons of diesel fuel, or 7.8% of production in the Russian. Federation, 0.888 million metric tons of jet fuel (8.4%) and. 0.606 million metric lots of fuel oil (1.5%).