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United States to study expansion threat of HALEU nuclear fuel, after alerting by researchers

United States to study expansion threat of HALEU nuclear fuel, after alerting by researchers

The U.S. agency in charge of nuclear security is commissioning a research study on the expansion threats of a moreenriched uranium fuel that nuclear power designers wish to fuel brand-new hightech reactors, the head of the agency said this week.

Jill Hruby, administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration, said in a statement released in the journal Science that it is necessary to resolve expansion issues of so-called high assay, low-enriched uranium fuel, or HALEU.

NNSA acknowledges that reactor type, fuel enrichment level, fuel amount, and fuel type are important factors in assessing proliferation risks and thinks that risk-informed and adaptive approaches to the expansion challenges inherent in nuclear energy are required, Hruby said.

Planned new nuclear plants, referred to as small modular reactors, or sophisticated reactors, must set high requirements for security and security, especially considering Russia's takeover of Ukraine's. biggest nuclear reactor, she stated.

Russia in 2022 took the Zaporizhzhia plant, the biggest. nuclear plant in Europe, by force after it invaded Ukraine.

Hruby's declaration remained in response to a post released. in 2015 in which researchers said HALEU positions a security danger. because it can be used without more enrichment as fissile. material in an unrefined nuclear weapon.

HALEU is uranium fuel enhanced up to 20% rather of the 5%. level of uranium fuel used in today's commercial reactors.

A number of business are intending to establish a wave of reactors. that would use HALEU, including the Bill Gates-backed. TerraPower, which wishes to develop a $4 billion plant in Wyoming. by 2030. Nuclear has actually gotten attention from innovation companies. looking for brand-new ways to power data centers and as U.S. power demand. is growing for the very first time in years. None of the plants. have yet to be developed.

TerraPower did not instantly react to a request for. comment.

In October, the U.S. Energy Department presented preliminary. contracts to four companies wanting to produce HALEU. locally. Currently, commercial quantities of HALEU are only. produced in Russia. The U.S. contracts will last up to 10 years. and each awardee got a minimum of $2 million, with up to. $ 2.7 billion offered topic to congressional appropriations.

Hruby said NNSA has regularly gathered information and evaluated. HALEU dangers, and is completing plans to commission a National. Academies report. The reports are largely categorized, she stated. However the info will be utilized to notify programs, establish. actions, and make suggestions to stakeholders.

Edwin Lyman, a physicist at the Union of Concerned. Scientists and an author of in 2015's report, stated he. appreciated that Hruby is requesting the independent evaluation of. HALEU by the National Academies. We are confident that this. effort will cause tighter security controls on HALEU to. avoid its misuse by proliferators and terrorists.

The authors had actually written that if HALEU enrichment is limited. to 10% to 12%, the supply chain would be far much safer with just. modest expenses.

(source: Reuters)