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Sri Lanka, Japan consent to resume stalled tasks such as light rail

Sri Lanka and Japan agreed on Saturday to work to resume stalled bilateral jobs including a $1.5 billion Japanesefunded light train.

The 2 countries revealed the agreement throughout a see to Sri Lanka by Japanese Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa.

Sri Lanka is working to reorganize its foreign financial obligation as part of a $2.9 billion bailout from the International Monetary Fund ( IMF), after its worst monetary crisis in more than 7 years in 2022 activated a foreign financial obligation default.

Japan anticipates the early signing of a Memorandum of Comprehending (MoU) between Sri Lanka and the official financial institution committee selected to assist in restructuring Sri Lanka's. bilateral debt, which Japan co-chairs, Kamikawa stated.

I also communicated Japan's intent to further support Sri. Lanka's development by swiftly resuming yen loan projects when. the MoU on debt restructuring is signed and the Sri Lanka. federal government's intent to quickly conclude a bilateral agreement. is validated, she told press reporters in Colombo.

Sri Lanka took out of the rail project in 2020, when it. was moving closer to China under the then-president.

The Sri Lankan cabinet in July provided approval for President. Ranil Wickremesinghe to pick the appropriate time frame to. reactivate tasks with Japan.

Japan is Sri Lanka's most significant bilateral loan provider after China,. with about $2.7 billion in impressive loans, according to. finance ministry data. India is the 3rd crucial financial institution.

Sri Lanka is confident of concluding the necessary. agreements in time to finish the next IMF evaluation, Sri Lanka. Foreign Minister Ali Sabry said.