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Valero shuts Tennessee small crude unit for work, sources say

Valero Energy Corp. shut the little crude distillation system (CDU) at its 180,000. barrelperday (bpd) Memphis, Tennessee, refinery on Monday for. a prepared overhaul, individuals acquainted with plant operations said. on Tuesday.

The 80,000-bpd Crude West CDU is set up to be shut about. three weeks for the prepared overhaul, the sources said.

A Valero representative did not respond to an ask for. comment.

The company had prepared to shut Crude West in 2025 for an. overhaul, however Valero determined the system would need the work. quicker than 2025, the sources stated.

Valero is likewise carrying out prepared work on the 36,000-bpd. reformer at the Memphis refinery while Crude West is shut, the. sources stated.

CDUs break down crude oil into feedstocks for all other. systems at the refinery.

Reformers convert refining by-products into octane-boosting. elements contributed to unfinished gasoline to make premium-grade. motor fuels.

The Memphis refinery supplies jet fuel to the FedEx Corp . World Center at the Memphis International airport.

(source: Reuters)