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US State Dept says oil service company SLB is not violating Russia sanctions

The U.S. State Department believes oil services firm SLB has not breached sanctions against Russia and the company has been informed what Washington is willing to accept, Assistant Secretary of State Geoffrey Pyatt informed in an interview on Wednesday.

I have actually had conversations with the CEO of that business ... I. believe there is a clear understanding within SLB in regards to. where the guard rails are on the sanctions policy, Pryatt stated.

Since Russia attacked Ukraine, the U.S. and other western. nations have looked for to minimize Moscow's energy income through. sanctions that prompted numerous service business to leave Russia. SLB has actually helped Russia keep oil streaming, creating money to fund. the war.

I am positive from my conversations with Treasury. associates that SLB's actions so far have actually remained in conformance. with guidelines that OFAC, Treasury and the price cap union have. established, Pyatt said.

The U.S. is determined to make sure Russia does not go back to. being a trusted energy partner and Washington will continue to. sanction present and future energy jobs, while taking care. not to trigger oil rate shocks, said Pyatt.

SLB was not immediately available for comment. The company. had 10,000 staff members in Russia assisting Gazprom Neft, Rosneft and. other leading energy firms pump more oil and gas when the war started. in 2022 and is the world's largest oil services and devices. supplier.

The U.S Treasury is likewise pursuing carriers, insurance. business and others that circumvent the sanctions, stated Pyatt.

He said Russia's oil and gas tax revenue is down about a. third year on year.

Washington is also targeting Russia's future energy. jobs, consisting of melted gas (LNG), looking for to. avoid Russia from sending the gas that previously flowed to. European consumers via pipeline to international markets as LNG, stated. Pyatt.

So you have actually seen very strong sanctions against Novatek and. there is more to come in the short-term on that score, he informed. .