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Australia's Ampol hits record high on profit development, Lytton refinery upgrade

Australian fuel seller Ampol Ltd. reported a boost in yearly profit on Monday and. said it would update its Lytton refinery in Queensland, sending out. its shares to a record high.

The Sydney-listed stock rose as much as 2.3% to an all-time. high of A$ 38.435 by 0040 GMT and was poised for a 3rd straight. session of gains.

The fuel seller said its yearly net earnings after tax from. continuing operations increased 1.1% to A$ 740.1 million ($ 482.84. million) on a replacement expense (RC) basis, driven by strong. performance of its non-refining departments and contribution from. Z Energy in New Zealand. That beat a Visible Alpha consensus of. A$ 736 million, according to RBC.

Ampol also said it meant to update its Lytton refinery. to produce fuel compliant with the brand-new requirements for both. regular and premium gas grades.

The company has actually begun preparations for this ahead of a. final financial investment decision in coming weeks, Ampol stated, including. that the staying estimated cost of the task, anticipated to be. commissioned in the latter half of 2025, would have to do with A$ 250. million.

Ampol stated it anticipated overall capital investment in 2024. consisting of the Lytton project's turn-around and inspection to be. about 10% greater than in the complete year 2023.

We continued to grow our fuel and benefit profits,. delivering another strong efficiency in benefit retail,. CEO Matt Halliday said in a statement.

Ampol declared a last dividend of 120 Australian (AU) cents. per share, up from 105 AU cents in the previous year. It. declared a special dividend of 60 AU cents per share.

It is a solid, in-line result, with a special dividend. slightly ahead of expectations, UBS experts stated in a customer. note.

Financiers' focus will likely be on growing capital needs. on business.