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Russia considers raising fuel exports restriction

Russia is considering raising its fuel exports ban, officials and sources stated on Tuesday, as oil refineries return from upkeep and fuel stockpiles rise.

Russia enforced a partial gasoline exports restriction for 6 months from March 1 in order to pre-empt fuel lacks and stem an increase in rates following a spate of Ukrainian drone attacks on refineries and technical blackouts.

Fuel exports have continued to a Moscow-led financial union and to some countries with which Russia has direct inter-government contracts on fuel materials, such as Mongolia.

Russia in 2023 produced 43.9 million tons of fuel and exported about 5.76 million tons, or about 13% of production. The biggest importers of Russian gas are primarily African nations, consisting of Nigeria, Libya and Tunisia, and likewise the United Arab Emirates.

The energy ministry is now proposing to consider the issue of allowing the export of gasoline for a particular duration, acting Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak informed Interfax news firm.

He also stated the problem would be considered by the government soon.

Novak is not in a long-term function as the brand-new government has not been formally announced following the inauguration of Vladimir Putin for his sixth term as Russian President.

Up until now, the steps that were handled March 1 to ban the exports have worked in complete. The marketplace is saturated and even oversaturated, Novak said.

Industry sources also say that Russia's domestic fuel inventories are complete and that some refineries have actually needed to cut main oil processing in order not to overproduce fuel.