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South Korean petchem firms improve more affordable LPG usage, raise output

South Korean petrochemical producers are maximising making use of cheaper feedstock liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) at their crackers, reducing naphtha need from the region's leading importer, according to market authorities and federal government data.

The raw product switch has actually allowed South Korean cracker operators to increase their operating rates, in spite of struggling from weak petrochemical margins in the middle of oversupplies.

Lower naphtha imports by South Korea could even more depress the margins for Asian refiners << NAF-SIN-CRK > in the summertime months of May and June, when LPG is normally cheaper due to a. fall in heating need. The United States, Asia's leading provider. of LPG, stands to gain from rising cracker need.

South Korea's naphtha imports slipped to about 18.13 million. barrels in April and 17 million barrels this month, Kpler information. revealed. LSEG Research study estimates April volume at about 18.59. million barrels and May imports at around 18.34 million barrels.

Both April and May levels are down from the March volume of. about 22 million barrels, Korea National Oil Corp data showed.

Naphtha is used in making durable goods like plastics and. textile fibers.

LPG consumption at South Korean crackers leapt about 56%. on-year to 7.26 million barrels in March, bringing the. first-quarter usage to 16.81 million barrels, up about 22% from. the same duration last year, federal government information provided by the Korea. Petrochemical Market Association (KPIA) revealed.

On the other hand, naphtha consumption at crackers slipped about. 8% to 36.4 million barrels in March, compared to 39.4 million. barrels in the very same month last year, the information showed.

South Korea's naphtha cracking centers have actually expanded. their capacity to feed LPG in order to diversify their. feedstock, Lim Jonghyun, a KPIA representative, told .

In 2015, LPG prices increased due to the supply decrease. triggered by the Russian-Ukrainian war, leading to a low input. volume.

As energy costs have stabilised, the input of LPG into. petrochemical centers will increase in the coming months, he. added.

Utilisation rates at the Korean crackers increased to 81.8%. in March versus 75.9% in the exact same month of 2023 and in 2015's. average of 74%, KPIA said.

The input of naphtha is reducing, and LPG is replacing. it, KPIA's Lim said.

South Korean cracker operators can typically replace about. 20-30% of naphtha to LPG, 2 sources acquainted with the matter. said.

Asia's naphtha expense about $100 per lot more than LPG on. Monday, a Singapore-based petrochemical trader said, encouraging. petrochemical plants to continue utilizing LPG.

The sources declined to be named as they are not authorised. to talk to media.

KPIA members include Lotte Chemical, Yeochun. NCC, LG Chem, Hanwha TotalEnergies and GS Caltex.