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U.S. weather forecaster: La Nina will fade and neutral conditions will emerge in March.

A U.S. forecaster stated on Thursday that La Nina conditions exist and will continue in the near future. There is a 66% probability of transitioning to ENSO neutral conditions between March and May 2025.

Why it's important

La Nina is an occurrence that is part of a larger El Nino Southern Oscillation cycle (ENSO), which involves water temperatures in central and eastern Pacific Ocean.

ENSO neutral is when the water temperature stays near average and the crop yields are more stable.


The Japanese weather bureau stated earlier this week that no signs of El Nino, or La Nina, were evident, but La Nina characteristics are becoming more apparent.

Bureau added that 60% of the normal weather patterns will continue into summer.

In its monthly forecast, the National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center (CPC), said that "La Nina is expected to persist throughout the season of Feb-Mar-2025 with odds of 59%. This will be followed by an almost equally likely transition from ENSO-neutral to Mar-Apr-2025."


The La Nina pattern is usually associated with better rains, improved crop production, and better crops in South Africa. It also results in wheat, sorghum and cotton in Australia. Palm oil in Southeast Asia. And a better monsoon in India. This was what we experienced last summer, said Donald Keeney.

Keeney said that "there are drier than normal conditions and lower crop yields across the southern Brazil and Argentina region this season. In addition, the conditions are dryer in the southern U.S. tier, which may impact the winter wheat production."

(source: Reuters)