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Brazil's carbon trading takes off but agribusiness is not scrutinized

Brazil's carbon trading takes off but agribusiness is not scrutinized

Brazil sets basic rules on its carbon market

Largest polluters, farmers escape cap to emissions

Protecting natural areas will receive more funding

By Andre Cabette Fabio

The rules don't limit emissions from agriculture, which is the top sector in the country for carbon pollution, accounting for 74% of all emissions.

"We missed the chance to bring agribusiness into a regulated sector, which would not only limit emissions but also promote sustainability," said Gabriela Savian. She is the deputy director of policy at IPAM, the Amazon Environmental Research Institute.

According to Natalie Unterstell of Instituto Talanoa in Brazil, a climate policy think tank, with farmers gone, the new cap-and-trade market for carbon emissions will only cover about 16%.

The regulation, even though it exempts the largest emitters in the country from any responsibility, is expected to provide legal security and encourage carbon projects which protect forests against the pressure of the agribusiness industry.

In cap-and trade systems, the government assigns a limit to each sector's carbon emissions. Companies that exceed this limit can purchase allowances from other companies who still have room.

According to the European Commission, in the European Union's largest cap-and trade system by value, approximately 40% of emissions in aviation, industry, and energy sectors are covered. These emissions are mainly connected to the burning of fossil fuels.

Brazil is different. Its basic carbon market regulations were signed into law by the Brazilian government in December.

The Climate Observatory of the United States reports that its largest source of emissions is its 240-million-strong cattle herd, and the destruction of vast natural areas to make way for pastures and grain fields.

The powerful caucus of agribusiness leaders, who dominate the Brazilian congress, demanded that the farming sector be left uncapped.

They argued that cap-and-trade does not set a limit for agriculture because counting emissions by producers is a difficult technical task, which critics claimed researchers could overcome.

In a statement from 2023, Pedro Lupion, the president of Brazil's Parliamentary Agricultural Front wrote that "no country in the entire world has regulated the agriculture sector due to the lack of a scientifically proven metric".

Funding for Forest Protection

Savian said that as part of their efforts to reduce emissions, the big polluters will become a greater source of funding to forest protection initiatives. This could ease pressure from farms.

She said that, "even though there is no cap on the greatest emitter - deforestation - the cap-and trade system structures the opportunity to fund schemes... that combat deforestation" and "promote regeneration".

A growing number of Brazilian companies and state governments are sourcing carbon credits through forest conservation and restoration projects.

Carbonext is one of these companies, and it runs 11 projects with the help of farmers and communities. It sources carbon from forests covering 322,000 hectares.

These offsets are sold on the voluntary carbon market by companies who wish to compensate their emissions, even if they do not have to.

Carbonext CEO Janaina Dallan expects that in the future she will be able sell credits for companies to comply with the cap-and-trade regulations, giving Amazon a non-destructive alternative to income.

Tocantins, and Para are two Amazonian states that have made strides on the carbon market. They announced plans to sell jurisdictional offset credit worth more than 600 million dollars.

These offsets are sourced from governments who have successfully reduced deforestation within their jurisdictions or captured carbon.

Assets are protected from land tenure issues, which have damaged the reputation of Brazilian private projects, who have operated on land that is disputed, embarrassing the buyers.

These credits are calculated on the basis of each jurisdiction's ability to reduce their deforestation rate, which is a clear indication. Private projects, however, have been accused of obtaining excessive credits through inflating deforestation risks in the areas in which they intervene.

Raul Protazio is the secretary of environment and sustainability for the state of Para. Para hosted the U.N. climate summit COP30 this year.

The COP Climate Summit last year laid the foundation for a United Nations-supervised international carbon market. This has raised expectations for this kind of global cooperation.

(source: Reuters)