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VEGOILS-Palm oil removes early gains to end lower on increasing output

Malaysian palm oil futures removed early gains to end lower on Friday as a healing in production offset the weak point of the Malaysian ringgit and expectations of improved need after the costs of competing soft oils rallied more than palm oil this week.

The benchmark palm oil contract for August delivery on the Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Exchange was down 8 ringgit, or 0.21%, at 3,886 ringgit ($ 825.05) metric ton after increasing to 3,932 ringgit previously in the day.

Malaysia's palm oil production is anticipated to jump in May, despite the fact that exports were weak in the first 3 weeks of the month, said a Mumbai-based trader.

Malaysian palm oil exports for May 1-20 fell between 8.3%. and 9.6% from the month before, according to cargo property surveyors.

Till a couple of weeks back, palm oil was losing market share due. to its premium over soyoil and sunflower oil, said a New. Delhi-based trader.

It has begun gaining back market share now that it is. available at a discount to rival oils.

Soyoil, sunflower oil and rapeseed oil rates jumped this. week on production concerns, he said.

U.S. soybean oil futures were up 0.22% on Friday. morning.

Soybean farmers in Brazil's southernmost state, where rain. and flooding have actually interfered with field work for weeks, have now. harvested 91% of their soy location, up from 85% recently, crop. agency Emater stated on Thursday.

Malaysian ringgit diminished considerably today, which. is also helping exporters to increase prices, said a Kuala. Lumpur-based trader.

Exports would improve in coming weeks from Malaysia and. Indonesia, the trader stated.

The Malaysian ringgit, palm's currency of trade,. weakened 0.17% against the dollar. A weaker ringgit makes palm. oil more appealing for foreign currency holders.

Palm oil still targets a series of 3,812 ringgit to 3,832. ringgit per metric lot, as a downward wave looks incomplete,. according to ' technical analyst Wang Tao.