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Exxon case versus activist investor can proceed, evaluate rules

A U.S. judge on Wednesday enabled a. lawsuit Exxon Mobil submitted against 2 activist groups. looking for to bar their environment resolution to go ahead versus one. of the 2 groups.

The oil company's claim raised alarm amongst activists and. proxy advisers who argued it would muzzle argument amongst. investors and public companies.

Exxon took legal action against climate activist groups Arjuna Capital and Follow. This in January and told the court it would not drop the matter. after they consented to withdraw their petition, pointing out the. possibility the pair could file comparable resolutions in the. future.

U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman ruled Exxon could continue. its case against Arjuna Capital. However he said it might not pursue. its claim versus Netherlands-based environment activist group. Follow This, finding it was beyond the court's jurisdiction.

The judge also rejected Exxon's ask for discovery.

His choice comes ahead of Exxon's annual shareholder. conference on May 29.

Exxon won support from organization lobby groups the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Organization Roundtable, which said the case. exemplifies activist groups' takeover of the investor. proposition procedure to score ideological points..