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Poland to begin selection procedure in January for partner for second nuclear plant

Poland will begin a. competitive process in January to choose a partner for its. prepared second nuclear reactor, top energy security authorities. Wojciech Wrochna said on Wednesday.

Poland is working to lower its reliance on coal and selected. Westinghouse Electric to develop its very first nuclear plant on the. Baltic Sea coast, but the financing is still not fully concurred.

It is now preparing to start dealing with a second.

We wish to start a dialogue with markets on selecting a. partner in January, Wrochna told press reporters.

He provided an initial schedule for Poland's second nuclear. power plant which imagines picking a financial and. technological partner for the plant in 2026 and would see the. initially system start operations in 2040.

Poland is finalising an upgrade of its nuclear strategy which. presumes structure 6-9 gigawatts of nuclear capability in two. locations, he said.

Warsaw is looking at possible places where coal plants. allocated for decommissioning in the future run, Pawel. Gajda, head of nuclear energy department at the Ministry of. Industry, said at the instruction.

The choice of the website for the second project is planned. for 2028.

(source: Reuters)