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New Petrobras CEO presses offshore oil possibility as matter of 'nationwide interest'

Petrobras' brand-new chief executive said a basin in Brazil's Equatorial Margin, an ecologically delicate offshore possibility seen as the nation's most appealing frontier for oil expedition, was a. matter of national interest.

Magda Chambriard, who took over as the state-controlled oil. business's president after President Luiz Inacio Lula da. Silva fired its former CEO this month, stated on Monday she wanted. to escalate discuss the region near Guyana to the National. Council of Energy Policy (CNPE), which encourages the president.

In her first public comments given that taking the business's. helm on Friday, Chambriard said renewing oil reserves was a. priority for Petrobras, which checking out the Equatorial Margin. became part of that effort.

Petrobras has actually been awaiting about a year for Brazil's. ecological firm Ibama to rule on an appeal after the firm. denied it the license to drill in the area, which has to do with 175. km (109 miles) off the coast of the state of Amapa, in the. Amazon area. Ibama's preliminary ruling pointed out the project's. prospective influence on the environment and Indigenous individuals.

The offshore basin is viewed as a possible gold mine since it. shares geology with close-by Guyana, where Exxon Mobil is. developing huge fields.

Chambriard stated discussions on whether or not to check out. the area must not be delegated one single government body,. without specifying whether she meant Ibama, the environment. ministry or some other organization.

I believe that every time we limit a conversation to a. single institution, and do not expand this conversation to. national interests, we lose, Chambriard said.

The discussion on exploring the region should take into. account the prospective advantages to Brazilian society, she stated.

Chambriard noted that the president would be the one to sign. off on any consideration by the CNPE.

Every deliberation of the National Council of Energy Policy. is signed by the president.

A lot of Chambriard's declarations echoed those made by her. predecessor, Jean Paul Prates, who Lula fired after members of. his cabinet implicated him of failing to deliver on financial investments. that would prop up Brazil's economy and develop local tasks.

Like Prates, Chambriard assured financial investments in the refining. and fertilizer sectors, as long as they pay for the. company.

Entrusted by Lula to accelerate the firm's $102 billion. investment prepare for 2024 to 2028, Chambriard said Petrobras. would follow governance and compliance guidelines, however hoped to. surmount obstructions by talking to independent bodies that have. oversight over the company such as Brazil's federal audit court. ( TCU).

Chambriard likewise said Petrobras would maintain its current. rates policies for gas and diesel sales, worrying that. the business needed to be profitable while likewise meeting investor. needs.

Petrobras carried out in 2015 a more market-based fuel. rates policy for fuel and diesel sales to favor higher. versatility while avoiding extreme rate swings.

Chambriard, a former head of oil and gas regulator ANP,. promised to better insulate the business's fuel rates from. global market volatility.