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Crude distillation units at Venezuela's Cardon refinery stopped after fire -sources.

A fire early on Friday at Venezuela's 310,000 barrelperday Cardon refinery left two employees injured and forced the shutdown of the crude distillation units that were in service, according to 5 sources near to the operations.

The fire, which started around 5 a.m. after a loud explosion, was extinguished a number of hours later on. A fuel leakage was the cause of the event, two of the sources said.

The fire reached a power substation within the complex, triggering a power failure, and forcing the shutdown of 3 distillation units that were in service, another individual stated.

( The leak) happened after 4 in the morning and was reported right away. The firemens showed up to control it. The personnel continued to close down the plant and, while the plant was being stopped (...) the fire broke, the individual said.

One worker suffered small burns to his arm and another was taken to a hospital for burns to his hair and face, the person added.

Operators from the refining complex, which also consists of the surrounding Amuay refinery on Venezuela's western coast, were attempting to resume operations on Friday at two of Cardon's. distillation systems, the individual said.