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Czech gas 2023 intake most affordable in decades assisted by cost savings, weather

Czech gas intake fell last year to its lowest levels since 1992, decreasing more than 10% as customers cut back additional amidst a savings drive because Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the nation's Energy Regulatory Workplace (ERU) stated on Monday.

The Czech Republic has diversified far from near total dependency on Russian gas given that Moscow's February 2022 intrusion of Ukraine, turning to gas from Norway and LNG, generally through a. terminal in the Netherlands.

An ongoing savings push and warmer weather condition last year likewise. helped cut usage.

Gas intake fell 10.4% in 2023 to 6.76 billion cubic. metres, with households cutting back by 11.6%, ERU stated. Last. year's drop contributed to a 20% fall in 2022.

Generally thanks to savings procedures by consumers, gas. intake has actually been falling regularly given that the 3rd. quarter of 2021, the moment when an energy crisis began to. appear, ERU chairman Stanislav Travnicek stated.

Energy rates started rising in Europe in 2021 and the. situation was worsened after the war in Ukraine began,. triggering prices to strike all-time highs. The European Union accused. Russia of weaponising materials as it cut off most deliveries.

The Czech Republic has actually reacted by diversifying its. materials and has kept gas shops high.

Last year, 92% of Czech gas imports came over the German. border, ERU said, while 8% were from Slovakia, the traditional. route for Russian pipeline gas, although not all of that amount. might have come from Russia.