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Holiday schedules for US economic and other data

Presidents Day, a federal holiday that falls on Monday, 17th February, will impact the release of major economic, energy, and commodities reports filed or originating in Washington for the week ending February 16.

The schedule is below. The times are in GMT/EST.

Certains Treasury announcements may change.

Monday, February 17, 2019

Presidents Day is a holiday. Closed federal government offices, Federal Reserve and International Monetary Fund. Stock and bond markets also closed.

Tuesday, February 18, 2019

The U.S. Department of Agriculture releases weekly U.S. Export inspections for grain, oilseeds at 1100/1600. Due to the holiday, this week's inspections are delayed.

Treasury Dept. Treasury Dept.

Treasury Dept. Treasury Dept.

National Oilseed Processors Association releases monthly U.S. Soybean Crush, 1200/1700

Treasury Dept. Treasury Dept.

Treasury Dept. Treasury Dept.

Wednesday, February 19, 2019

Mortgage Bankers Association releases weekly Mortgage Application Survey, 0700/1200

Commerce Dept. Commerce Dept. releases Housing Starts for January, 0830/1330

Redbook releases weekly retail sales index 0855/1355. Due to the holiday, this week's index is delayed.

Treasury Dept. Treasury Dept.

Treasury Dept. Treasury Dept.

Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee's meeting held on Jan. 28 and 29, 1400/1900

American Petroleum Institute releases weekly national petroleum reports, 1630/2130. Due to a holiday, the report is delayed.

Thursday, February 20, 2019

Weekly Jobless Claims Reports by the Labor Dept. Weekly Jobless Claims Reports, 0830/1330

Conference Board releases Leading Indicators for January, 1000/1500

Energy Information Administration (EIA), releases weekly U.S. Underground natural gas stock, 1030/1530. Schedule is not affected by holidays

Treasury Dept. Treasury Dept.

Treasury Dept. Treasury Dept.

Freddie Mac issues weekly U.S. mortgage rates, 1200/1700

EIA releases weekly data on petroleum output and stocks, 1200/1700. Please note: time change from Wednesday.

Treasury Dept. Treasury Dept.

Federal Reserve releases weekly balance sheet 1630/2130

Friday, February 21, 2019

USDA Releases Weekly Export Sales, 830/1330. Due to the holiday, this week's export sales are delayed.

National Association of Realtors releases Existing Home Sales Report for January, 1000/1500

USDA Cattle on Feed monthly, 1500/2000

(source: Reuters)