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Auditors get harder guidelines on judging firms' environmental claims

International auditors have been given brand-new guidance on what to examine when assessing firms' ecological, social and governance claims and how as part of efforts to increase rigour and consistency, the chair of the market's international ethics guard dog informed Reuters.

The move by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA) comes as more companies are pushed to reveal data as part of efforts to combat climate modification.

While worldwide reporting standards and separate ones for the European Union have been released, the standards and guidelines for auditors are essential to help ensure rely on the info, IESBA Chair Gabriela Figueiredo Dias stated.

Something is to understand what you must do, and another thing is to know how to behave and how to approach many problems, decisions and judgments that you require to make, Dias stated.

Examples of that might be how to deal with pressure from the client to cherry-pick info that makes them look better, and how to ensure information exists so that it does not mislead: so-called greenwashing.

The new standards are contained in the IAASB's International Requirement on Sustainability Guarantee 5000, and IESBA's. International Ethics Standards for Sustainability Assurance.

Around 130 nations have actually reflected IESBA's guidelines for. monetary reporting in their rules and Dias said she expected. they would do the exact same with the sustainability guidelines.

The EU is currently debating the scope of a suite of. sustainability guidelines, including its Business Sustainability. Reporting Instruction, amidst concern that extensive reporting. requirements are damaging EU competitiveness.

In the United States, on the other hand, comparable guidelines have been. challenged and are likely to continue to be under the federal government. of Donald Trump.

It is our conviction that in a world with less detailed. rules ... ethics standards matter more as there is more space. for judgment, more space for decision-making, Dias said.

In spite of the political background, 34 of the world's greatest. auditors have all stated they will adopt the guidance, Dias stated.

This creates a substantial global framework and a set of. anticipated behaviours which have some kinds of enforcement,. although to what degree will vary depending upon the. jurisdiction, Dias stated.

(source: Reuters)