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Finnish utility Fortum says lower power prices and mild winter dampen Q4 earnings

The Finnish utility Fortum reported on Tuesday that its fourth-quarter operating profit was below analysts' expectations. It cited lower volumes of hydro and nuclear power and weaker prices.

Fortum says that the fall in Nordic spot prices was partially offset by the ongoing recovery of Nordic power demand.

According to a poll conducted by the company, analysts had expected 280 million euro in operating profit.

Fortum CEO Markus Rauramo stated in a press release that the comparable operating profit of the Generation segment decreased due to lower volumes for hydro and nuclear and lower spot and hedge price.

Operating profit rose from 376 to 390 millions euros, a rise of 182 million euros. This includes a capital gain from the sale of Fortum's waste and recycling business.

Rauramo stated that "we are beginning a feasibility study in order to explore the possibilities of flexible hydro-power pumped storage in Sweden, to provide flexible and balancing power which is much needed."

Rauramo stated that Fortum achieved 60 million euro in cost reductions by 2024. This was more than its previous target of 50 millions. It is on track to achieve its goal of reducing its recurring fixed expenses by 100 million by the end 2025.

Fortum's Board of Directors proposed a dividend per share of 1,40 euros for 2024.

After the Helsinki market opened, shares of the company dropped by 1.1%.

(source: Reuters)