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Indonesia plans to build new nuclear power stations with a 4.3 GW capability in a bid for cleaner energy

Indonesia plans to build new nuclear power stations with a 4.3 GW capability in a bid for cleaner energy

An adviser to Prabowo Subito, the president of Indonesia, said that Indonesia is planning to build nuclear power stations with a capacity of around 4 gigawatts in an effort to produce cleaner energy.

Indonesia has a current installed capacity of more than 90 GW. More than half is powered by coal, and less than 15 % by renewable energy. The country currently does not have any nuclear power, which is controversial in a land prone to earthquakes.

Hashim Djojohadikusumo is Prabowo’s brother and a close advisor. He told a sustainability conference that Indonesia will also build floating modular reactors. However, he did not specify the timeline or how many. Last year, another official stated that Indonesia was planning to have nuclear plants operational by 2036.

He said, "This is a response to the challenges presented by climate change."

Nuclear power plants do not emit CO2, but they produce toxic waste, which some governments and campaigns say should make atomic energy not green.

Hashim criticised in his speech the G7 Just Energy Transition Partnership, announced in 2022. This partnership promised Indonesia $20 billion for reducing its emissions. He said that the funds were only minimally disbursed.

He added, "JETP has failed."

Hashim said that Prabowo’s government will not close all coal-fired power plants by 2040. It would only stop building new ones.

Indonesia is one of the largest thermal coal exporters in the world. Coal power generation is also a major source of emissions. (Reporting and editing by David Evans; Stanley Widianto)

(source: Reuters)