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Donald Trump Jr. accused illegal duck hunting in Venice

According to two Italian Green Party lawmakers, Donald Trump Jr. broke Italian and European Union laws on environmental protection when he hunted a duck near Venice in December.

Andrea Zanoni is a member of Veneto's regional assembly. Luana Zanella is a national parlamentar. They have filed separate questions in the parliament urging the regional and national authorities take action.

Zanoni, in a post on Facebook, said that he saw footage of Trump Jr. standing next to a dead ruddy shaddy, a protected animal, in an EU conservation zone "Natura 2000", in the lagoon at Venice.

The video shows Trump Jr. holding a ruddy shaduck (Tadorna ferrruginea), a duck which is extremely rare in Europe and protected under the EU Birds Directive as well as the Italian law protecting wild fauna. Zanoni stated that the law punishes anyone who kills or holds this animal.

Hunting is allowed in Italy, but it's strictly regulated.

In the video Zanoni mentioned, Trump Jr. is seen on a duck-hunting trip in marshlands around Venice, promoted by Field Ethos. This outdoor activities brand that he founded.

In the video, he describes his hunting bounty as "lots of teal, wigeon (ducks)." The video shows him catching "a duck that is not common in the area and I am not sure what its name is" before concluding "incredible shot".

Andy Surabian is a spokesperson for Trump Jr. He said that the hunting party had all the proper permits and were hunting in an area where they were allowed to do so. It was not clear how the duck was killed.

Surabian stated in a press release that "Don takes all rules, regulations, and conservation very seriously on his hunts and intends to fully cooperate with any investigation."

The Field Ethos video has a voiceover that says that the expedition was on private land. Hunting is only done once a week, and precautions are being taken to protect the local environment.

The video is not dated. However, a shorter version of the video was uploaded to YouTube on December 31, 2024 by Field Ethos. Italian media reported that Trump Jr. visited Venice with his girlfriend in December.

ANSA reported that Environment Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin said he was awaiting a report on the alleged incident, after he learned about it through press reports. (Reporting and editing by Alison Williams, David Gregorio and Alison Williams; Additional reporting by Angelo Amante & Giulia Segrit.

(source: Reuters)