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Iran's Revolutionary Guards - a powerful group with a wide regional reach

Iranian English-language Press TV reported Iranian sources saying that Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards carried out a drone strike against Israel targets on Saturday.

Ayatollah Khamenei, the Iranian Supreme Leader, vowed revenge after a senior commander of the Corps' Quds Force, Mohammad Reza Zahedi was killed in an airstrike that Iran blamed Israel for on April 1, in Damascus.

Here are some questions and their answers regarding the IRGC - Iran's most powerful military force, which includes its own army and navy, as well as an air force and intelligence wing.

What is the IRGC?

The Shi'ite Muslim ruling clerical system was protected by the IRA shortly after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. It also provided a counterweight for the regular armed force.

The Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei is the one who answers to it. It is estimated that the IRGC's military comprises 125,000 soldiers, including army, navy, and air units. The IRGC also commands the Basij, a religious paramilitary that is loyal to the clerical regime and often used to suppress anti-government demonstrations.

In the 1980s, Basijis launched "human waves" against Iraqi soldiers during a conflict. They enforce the social codes of Shi'ite Iran in peacetime. Analysts estimate that Basij volunteers could number millions with around 1 million being active.

Quds Force, the IRGC overseas arm, has a major influence on its allied militias in the Middle East - from Lebanon to Iraq, Yemen, and Syria. The Quds Force has fought alongside President Bashar al Assad in the civil war in Syria and has supported Iraqi security forces against Islamic State militants.

In 2020, the United States killed its top commander, Major General Qassem Solimani, in a drone strike in Iraq, which raised fears of an escalating conflict.

Since its founding in 1982, the IRGC has been attempting to mold the Middle East to Iran's liking. It founded in 1982 the heavily armed Shi'ite movement Hezbollah to fight Israeli forces who invaded Lebanon and export Iran's Islamic Revolution.

Hezbollah has become a major force in the military and played a significant role in conflicts across the region.


Experts consider Iran's missile programme to be the largest in the Middle East.

The Guards used missiles to attack Sunni Muslim militants and Iranian Kurdish groups in northern Iraq. The United States and European powers, as well as Saudi Arabia, blamed Iran for the 2019 missile and drone attacks that crippled Saudi Arabia's largest oil processing facility. Iran, however, denied any involvement.

Donald Trump, the former U.S. President, cited Iran's missile program as one of the issues not addressed in the 2015 nuclear agreement with the world powers. He cited this as the reason for withdrawing from the deal in 2018.

The Guards' conventional combat capabilities and hardware were demonstrated in their participation in the conflict in Syria and Iraq.

What is the IRGC’s position in Iran’s political system?

From the government to the parliament, former Revolutionary Guards officers hold key positions within Iran's establishment. Former IRGC officers make up the majority of President Ebrahim Raisi's Cabinet.

Its mandate, to protect revolutionary ideals, has led it to speak up when the system is threatened.

What about business interests?

The IRGC was heavily involved in Iran’s reconstruction after the war with Iraq in the 1980s. Since then, it has expanded its economic interests into a vast business network worth billions of dollar, from oil and gas to construction and telecommunication. (Reporting and editing by Kevin Liffey, Michael Georgy)