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Self-drilling oil wells to beat self-driving vehicles to market, SLB vice president says

A magnate of Schlumberger NV (SLB), the world's largest energy services company, on Monday predicted self-governing drilling of oil and gas wells will beat self-governing driving cars to market and produce brand-new efficiencies for oil producers.

Self-governing drilling is ripe for adoption by much of the world's oil majors, Abdellah Merad, an SLB executive vice president, stated at the Offshore Technology Conference. We believe we will be nearly autonomously drilling even before we can autonomously drive, Merad told the conference. We have currently with many big customers, NOCs (National Oil Business) IOCs (International Oil Companies) and big independents that are on the method where we are handling automation, self-governing drilling, he stated.

Self-governing drilling will increase efficiency and with the usage of expert system lead to enhancements in the quality of the wells as each one is an enhancement on the next, he said.

In January SLB announced that it and Equinor drilled a well in Brazil that was over 2.5 kilometers utilizing self-governing control mode that resulted in a 60% boost in rate of penetration, faster well shipment with decreased cost and carbon emissions.

Less individuals onsite, it is safer, it is going to be reliable, Merad informed on the sidelines of the OTC conference.