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IAEA chief states Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant attacks run the risk of harmful shift in Ukraine war

Drone attacks on the Russianheld Zaporizhzhia nuclear reactor in Ukraine need to stop as they might posture a new and seriously unsafe phase in the war, the U.N. nuclear watchdog chief informed his company's. 35nation Board of Governors on Thursday.

Drones assaulted Zaporizhzhia, Europe's greatest nuclear power. plant, on Sunday, hitting a reactor building in the worst such. event since November 2022, though nuclear security was not. compromised, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has. said.

Moscow and Kyiv have consistently accused one another of. targeting the plant since Russia took it weeks after it. got into Ukraine. Both nations requested an emergency situation conference. of the IAEA's Board not long after Sunday's attack.

The most current attacks ... have shifted us into an acutely. consequential juncture in this war, IAEA Director General. Rafael Grossi informed the Board gathering.

He contacted the Board to unanimously to support the role. of the IAEA in keeping an eye on concepts targeted at preventing an. accident at the plant, including that it not be attacked.

Since no draft resolutions have been submitted to the Board. conference, it is likely to boil down to an exchange of declarations. by the countries convening behind closed doors in Vienna.

We are fulfilling today, and I will meet with the U.N. Security Council next week, because it is of vital. importance to ensure these reckless attacks do not mark the. beginning of a brand-new and seriously harmful front of the war,. Grossi said, adding: Strikes must stop.

Russia's agent to global organisations in. Vienna, Mikhail Ulyanov, described as a really serious flaw. Grossi's failure to single out Ukraine as the offender.

I get the sensation that they are afraid, Russian news. companies priced quote Ulyanov as informing Russian reporters.

It is merely refrained from doing to speak terribly of Ukrainians due to the fact that. they are supposed to be the victims. An environment is being. created which essentially encourages the Ukrainian side to. devote negligent actions, like these attacks, he said.

However he said he believed there would be no more occurrences.

The Ukrainian statement to the conference said the incident was. part of a longstanding Russian disinformation project.

But this time it is often times more unsafe, because these. are not just words, but a real encroachment on the physical. stability of a nuclear center, the statement stated.

Russia's effort to pin the blame on Ukraine is a desperate. effort to hide its regret..