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Japan starts energy talks to stabilize supply risks with net no objective

Japan's industry ministry kicked off talks on Wednesday to craft the next standard energy plan, a crucial longterm technique for the resourcepoor country aimed at balancing energy security and decarbonisation to accomplish carbon neutrality by 2050.

It will be the very first modification of the strategy considering that Prime Minister Fumio Kishida made a significant power policy shift in 2022, signalling the country would restart idled nuclear plants much faster and extend the lifespan of existing ones to take on the energy crisis triggered by the Ukraine war.

Japan, the world's fifth-biggest carbon dioxide emitter, presently depends on fossil fuels for about 70% of its electrical power.

The government revises its energy strategy every 3 to 4 years.

Need for energy security is higher than ever, while the decarbonisation movement is also growing, Japanese Industry Minister Ken Saito informed a panel conference of energy and industry professionals, which began the conversations on the new strategy.

I have a strong sense of urgency that Japan is now at the most hard post-war point in its energy policy, he said.

The present strategy, which was approved by the cabinet in October 2021, did not discuss constructing new nuclear plants or changing existing ones, however mentioned that Japan aimed to decrease its dependence on nuclear power as much as possible.

The new plan will describe the goals and policy direction for how Japan will speed up the decarbonisation toward 2035-2040 to add to worldwide efforts versus global warming, while concurrently making sure steady energy supplies.

Conversations will likewise touch on how Japan will minimize coal-fired power generation and how to secure a long-term supply of liquefied natural gas, which the government thinks about an crucial fuel during the energy transition.

The panel, together with specialised working groups under the ministry, will hold a series of discussions, with the brand-new energy plan expected to be settled by around mid-2025.