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Uniper details 2025, 2026 German and Nordic power hedging for hydro, nuclear

German utility Uniper has sold sizeable quantities of its future hydropower output as part of a hedging method, the business stated in a. discussion for an analyst call on Tuesday.

Uniper has sold 70% of its German hydropower output for 2025. at an average cost of 126 euros ($ 135.64) per megawatt hour. ( MWh) and 5% of the output in 2026 at approximately 90. euros/MWh, it stated.

By contrast, the wholesale benchmark price for. round-the-clock German power from all generation sources in 2025. closed at 95.05 euros on Monday, and at 81.75 euros. for 2026, LSEG information showed.

The inconsistencies originate from lower-priced fuel aspects in. the general wholesale level.

That level also shows gas-generated power and hydropower. market conditions that undergo nationwide assistance schemes. and hard-to-predict weather patterns.

Producers utilize hedging to decrease the impact of price. volatility and to secure forward production prices thought about. beneficial at a certain moment.

The wholesale market uses the rates to track cost trends. and assess an utility's physical possession position.

Uniper has actually so far sold 85% of its 2024 German output at 54. euros after achieving an average cost of 34 euros for sales in. 2023.

The company also runs coal, gas-fired, and nuclear. plants in Europe as well as wind and solar energy generation. systems that were not shown in the presentation's slides.

Relating to Nordic rates, Uniper stated it offered 45% of nuclear. and hydropower in the area for 2025 and 25% of output for 2026. at average prices of 39 euros and 37 euros, respectively, having. accomplished 42 euros for 60% of 2024 output, and 41 euros in 2023.