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Mali gold mining accident kills over a dozen people, including women and kids

The national union of gold counters, refineries and artisanal gold miners (UCROM) announced on Saturday that thirteen artisanal gold miners, among them women and children, died in southwest Mali after a tunnel they were digging to find gold flooded.

Taoule Camara, UCROM's Secretary General Taoule Camara, confirmed the incident via telephone. It occurred near the village Danga within the Kangaba Cercle of Mali's southwest Koulikoro Region.

The sluice gate of a muddy reservoir burst and poured into a tunnel where women and children were digging up earth in search of leftover gold particles.

It is serious. Many women were present. Camara had said, earlier in the week when the death toll wasn't yet known: "We spent the whole day yesterday removing the water and looking for bodies."

In West Africa, artisanal mining has become increasingly profitable in recent years as a result of the growing demand for metals.

As artisanal miners often use digging methods that are not regulated, accidents can be fatal.

In January of last year, more than 70 people died after a shaft at a gold-mining site collapsed in the Kangaba Cercle. (Reporting and writing by Tiemoko Dillo, Editing by Jan Harvey).

(source: Reuters)