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Environmental activists sue Norway over seabed mineral strategy

Ecological advocates have submitted a claim at an Oslo court challenging Norway's prepare for seabed mineral expedition, citing insufficient impact evaluation of the mining, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). and its legal representative said on Friday.

Norway's parliament in January approved a proposition to open a. large ocean area bigger than Britain for seabed mineral. exploration after a government-commissioned research study concluded that. its effect would be very little.

WWF, one of the world's biggest conservation organisations,. said it thought the study didn't fulfill minimum requirements set. for effect assessment under Norway's Seabed Minerals Act, and. for that reason it provided no legal basis for the area opening.

We believe that the state is breaking Norwegian law when. they now open for a new and potentially harmful industry. without having adequately examined the repercussions,. Karoline Andaur, head of WWF Norway, stated in a statement.

Deep-sea mining critics state commercial activity could. destroy yet-to-be found types that live at the depths of. some 1,500-3,000 metres (5,000-10,000 feet) and more, where. seabed mineral deposits lie.

WWF likewise stated Norway was sending a bad signal to other. countries that could also choose to open their waters for. deep-sea mining without correct impact assessment.

Norway's energy ministry has said the initial phase would. allow a gathering of more information about the deep-sea. environment and potential effect, and that business would require. different authorizations to launch full-scale mining.

A minimum of two companies revealed interest in specific ocean. locations, or blocks, by a May 21 due date, with the ministry. preparing to reveal a first licensing round this autumn.

We believe that a thorough procedure has been carried out. with broad participation, and that the relevant requirements. have been followed, Astrid Bergmaal, state secretary at the. energy ministry, stated in an email to .

I keep in mind that WWF wants to attempt the case in court, and they. have the right to do so, she added.

A court hearing could start within six months, an attorney for. the WWF said.