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Mali mine collapse kills 40 people

A head of a union in the industry said that 43 people, mainly women, died after a gold mine collapsed on Saturday in western Mali.

Taoule Camara of the National Union of Gold Counters and Refineries (UCROM) said that the accident occurred near the town Kenieba, in Mali's richly gold-rich Kayes Region.

He said that the women were looking for gold in open pits left by industrial miner to find scraps when they fell into the earth.

The spokesperson for the Mines Ministry confirmed that the accident occurred between Kenieba Dabia but refused to provide further details, as the ministry teams on the scene have not yet provided their report.

In West Africa, artisanal mining has become increasingly profitable in recent years as a result of the growing demand for metals.

As artisanal miners often use methods that are not regulated, accidents can be fatal.

In late January 2013, 13 artisanal gold miners including three children and women were killed after the tunnel they were using to dig for gold was flooded.

(source: Reuters)