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Chile's Codelco copper output up 'a little' in 2024, Chairman informs paper

Copper production at Chile's. Codelco, the world's biggest manufacturer of the metal, was. somewhat higher in 2024 from the previous year, Chairman. Maximo Pacheco said in an interview with a local paper on. Monday.

In the interview with Diario Financiero, Pacheco said. production increased by 3,000 to 4,000 metric tons from 2023's. 1.325 million heaps.

We crossed the production valley in 2024 and are all set to. begin 2025 on the increase to retake the peak of 1.7 million lots. of great copper at the end of the decade, Pacheco stated, adding. that December's production topped 160,000 loads.

Codelco has been having a hard time to revive output from a 25-year. low and made a late dash in December to hit its 2024 targets. The business had been grappling with construction issues at key. mines, mishaps and a drop in ore grades.

Regardless of copper output falling back target by May,. consisting of delays brought on by worker deaths, the company made a. strong push in the last months of the year.

In the interview, Pacheco stated he expected the company to. have binding deals from potential joint endeavor partners in its. Maricunga lithium job in the first quarter of 2025.

Codelco is going into the lithium business after President. Gabriel Boric tasked the state miner in 2023 with leading an. growth of the market.

Chile is the world's second-largest lithium manufacturer after. Australia, however Codelco is building lithium production practically. from scratch. Codelco intends to begin building in Maricunga in. early 2027 and launch production in early 2030.

Codelco is likewise launching a joint endeavor with local lithium. manufacturer SQM to mine the metal in the Atacama salt flat. Pacheco. said they had primarily fulfilled the compliance obligations for. the agreement to be approved.

(source: Reuters)