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China is not pressing Africa into financial obligation trap, South African president says

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Thursday that he did not think Chinese investments in Africa were pushing the continent into a financial obligation. trap but were rather part of a mutually advantageous. relationship.

Ramaphosa made the remarks on the sidelines of a. China-Africa summit in Beijing, where delegates from more than. 50 African countries gathered today.

I don't always buy the concept that when China. ( invests), it is with an intention of, in the end, guaranteeing that. those countries end up in a financial obligation trap or in a debt crisis,. Ramaphosa said, when asked by reporters about China's pledge at. the top of $51 billion in brand-new financing for Africa.

In addition to the financial backing over three years,. China assured to perform three times as lots of facilities. tasks across resource-rich Africa, which in recent years has. become the focus of extreme geopolitical competitors between. worldwide powers like China, Europe and the United States.

Without supplying details, Ramaphosa likewise stated South Africa. had reached agreement with China on elements of its energy. security. He stated South Africa could gain from China on. reforming its energy sector.

They currently have actually done precisely what we are looking for to do. So there are lessons for us to learn from China and how to do. it, he stated.

South Africa has actually been plagued for many years by rolling power. blackouts that have constrained financial development.

Ramaphosa also stated South Africa would want to draw in. China's electrical lorry manufacturers including its largest,. BYD.

We had great exchanges with BYD, which has actually shown a great. interest to come and purchase South Africa, he said.

(source: Reuters)