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Malaysia's state fund 1MDB takes legal action against PetroSaudi executive, seeking $1.83 bln

Malaysia's scandalhit state fund 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) has submitted a. lawsuit versus a top PetroSaudi International executive looking for. the return of $1.83 billion purchased a joint endeavor, state. news company Bernama reported on Thursday.

The fund entered what would ultimately end up being an unsuccessful joint. endeavor with PetroSaudi to develop oil fields in 2009.

In a May 7 court filing to the Kuala Lumpur High Court, 1MDB. alleged that PetroSaudi Chief Financial Investment Officer Patrick Mahony. aided numerous individuals, consisting of former Malaysian Prime. Minister Najib Razak and fugitive financier Jho Low, to. misappropriate its funds.

1MDB also called UK-based law firm White & & Case LLP as a. accused in the fit, claiming that it acted on Mahony's. instructions to prepare purchase and loan agreements on behalf. of PetroSaudi to trick 1MDB, Bernama reported.

was not able to reach Mahony for comment. White & & Case . did not right away react to an ask for comment.

The state fund is seeking for Mahony and White & & Case to. repay the $1.83 billion to it, to name a few damages.

Lim Chee Wee Collaboration, the Malaysian law firm. representing 1MDB, verified the filing to .

Malaysian and U.S. investigators estimate $4.5 billion was. siphoned away from 1MDB following its creation in 2009,. linking Najib Razak, Goldman Sachs staff and. high-level officials elsewhere.