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US allows oil service firms to keep assets in Venezuela through mid-Nov

The U.S. on Friday extended a license permitting certain transactions with Venezuelan state oil business PDVSA so American energy service business can preserve assets after Washington last month reimposed broad sanctions on the OPEC member.

The business, nevertheless, stay prohibited from drilling, lifting, processing, acquiring, transporting or shipping any Venezuela-origin oil

The license is being extended through Nov. 15 and covers oil. services Halliburton, Schlumberger, Baker Hughes , and Weatherford International PLC, a notice on the U.S. Treasury Department's site showed.

The Biden administration last month re-imposed sanctions on Venezuela's oil sector in response to President Nicolas Maduro's. failure to meet his election commitments. The sanctions were. initially imposed in 2019 throughout the administration of former. President Donald Trump.

Also last month, Treasury had actually offered all business doing. business with Venezuela, consisting of oil purchases, till completion. of May to wind down pending deals.

Venezuela's oil exports fell 38% in the month of April after. the re-imposition of sanctions approached.