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Abu Dhabi's Presight on watch out for more acquisitions

Abu Dhabi's Presight is thinking about acquisitions that complement its services and develop on its global footprint, the data analytics company's CEO said on Monday.

Presight last week acquired a majority stake in artificial intelligence and maker learning business AIQ in a deal that saw other Abu Dhabi entities transfer their shares to Presight, which said the relocation valued AIQ at more than $1.4 billion.

AI firm G42 transferred its 40% stake in AIQ to Presight, in which it has a 75% stake. Abu Dhabi state oil business Adnoc moved 11% of its shares in AIQ, keeping 49%, in exchange for a 4% stake in Presight.

Presight President Thomas Pramotedham said it was interested in acquisitions that broaden its solutions portfolio.

It is about finding the best celebrations and with the rising trend in AI, there are many business offered, but the secret thing is how much it will add to Presight's existing development technique, he informed in an online interview.

Pramotedham decreased to state if any such deals would materialise by the end of 2024. Presight could partner with an Abu Dhabi fund on future acquisitions, with emerging market countries target growth markets for the group.

We're able to connect very effectively and extremely carefully to economies around the region, to the western and main and even eastern African nations that we run in, he said.

Presight is active in 14 markets, consisting of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Angola, Pramotedham included.

Abu Dhabi conglomerate International Holding Co. owns 15% of Presight, LSEG information shows.

G42 and IHC are both chaired by Sheikh Tahnoon bin Zayed Al . Nahyan, the United Arab Emirates nationwide security adviser and a. brother to UAE President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed.