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Russia's OTEKO to turn down offer for Black Sea coal transshipment terminal

OTEKO, a Russian port facilities provider, will turn down a proposed offer from logistics group Delo for its Taman transshipment terminal in the Black Sea, the business told on Friday.

Lots of assets in Russia have changed hands in the last 2 years and ratings of foreign business left Russia following its invasion of Ukraine that started in February 2022.

A possession transfer is likewise taking place domestically as state-owned and private business benefit from the changing business landscape.

Transportation and logistics group Delo plans to make a deal to purchase OTEKO's coal transshipment terminal to lower high coal rates and resume the terminal's operations, Delo Group creator Sergei Shishkarev informed Kommersant in an interview published on Thursday.

OTEKO terminals are not for sale, OTEKO informed . We. have actually not gotten any deals, however even if we do, we do not plan. to hold such negotiations.

Coal shipments from the terminal have stalled. OTEKO has. blamed the hold-ups on insufficient railroad capacity, while. Shishkarev states OTEKO sets prices too high.

OTEKO's Taman terminal in the Black Sea has annual capacity. of 70 million metric heaps, primarily for coal. OTEKO is owned by. Michel Litvak, a Belgian person, who was born in the Soviet. Union and worked for many years in Russia.

Shishkarev owns 51% of Delo, with state nuclear corporation. Rosatom holding a 49% stake.

Shishkarev presented a plan to the government to work out. the terminal's purchase or its transfer to other management,. according to the minutes of a March 28 conference seen .

Citing Russian Railways, the document showed that suspended. coal deliveries to OTEKO's terminal indicated that 5.1 million. metric lots of coal products were not exported through the Taman. port in the very first quarter.

OTEKO said it was negotiating with coal exporters and that. progress had been made, with deliveries now underway.