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EU wants to end the wolf's "strictly protected" status in Europe

The European Commission announced on Friday that it would make it easier to hunt the wolves in Europe. They cited their increasing numbers and the danger they pose to livestock, as reasons to downgrade the animals' status of protection.

The proposal would codify a change that came into effect on the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats, which covers Europe and certain African countries. It would lower the status of wolves from "strictly" protected to "protected".

In a press release, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, said that "the concentration of wolf pack in certain European regions has now become a real threat, especially to livestock." She added that this change was in response to local authorities requesting more flexibility when managing wolf population.

Some EU legislators and campaigners have accused von der Leyen of targeting wolves because he has personal motives. In 2022, his pony was killed in a wolf attack.

"The EU conservation policies have been influenced by Ursula von der Leyen’s personal pony drama. Lowering wolf protection, however, is merely symbolic politics. "Farmers need real solutions," said German Green Lawmaker JuttaPaulus. She warned that fewer wolves would lead to an increase in wild game damaging forests.

The Commission didn't respond to the request for comment about whether von der Leyen’s personal experience was behind the EU proposal.

The European Parliament and all EU member states must approve the proposal.

Since 1979, Bern Convention has prohibited wolves being intentionally hunted or trapped unless they are a threat to livestock and health.

Under the new status of wolves, they can be hunted. However, countries still need to take action to prevent them from becoming endangered. For example, by limiting hunting season.

The EU was opposed to a proposal made by Switzerland 2022 that would have lowered the protection status of wolves under the Bern Convention.

According to an analysis by the Commission, wolf populations in Europe are expected to increase, reaching around 20,300 animals in 2023. The same EU analysis concluded that wolves kill 65,500 animals in the EU each year.

Wolves can help to control large mammal populations, such as deer. This will limit their ability to cause damage to agriculture and spread disease to livestock.

Three of nine wolf populations in Europe are classified as "vulnerable". (Reporting and Editing by Louise Heavens, Kate Abnett)

(source: Reuters)