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Tides move oil spill away from Tobago to the Caribbean, clean-up progresses

A week after an oil spill was first identified near Tobago's shore, portions of the stain are moving in opposite directions into the Caribbean Sea, the island's emergency situation management company (TEMA) stated on Wednesday.

Volunteers and responders have actually been attempting to contain the 12-kilometer (7.46 miles) spill, which occurred when a. vessel that had actually capsized reached a reef, to prevent. impacting a neighboring cruise ship port, Trinidad and Tobago's. federal government has said. The leak has actually not been plugged and the. owner of the ship has actually not been recognized.

Satellite images and designs suggest that waves may be. taking some of the spill into the Caribbean Sea past northern. Venezuela, increasing the risk that the oil effects other. beaches in Trinidad and Tobago that have reef, TEMA's. director Allan Stewart informed .

The satellite revealed that a few of it was moving into the. Caribbean Sea, as well as some of the modeling, Stewart stated,. adding that an approaching flight by Trinidad's Air Guard is. expected to verify the finding.

Photographs posted by TEMA on Tuesday revealed progress on. tidying up Tobago's beaches. Separately, the firm and a. surveillance report by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric. Administration this week revealed numerous spots reaching the. Caribbean Sea.

Around one third of the 15 kilometers of coastline on. Tobago's Atlantic Ocean has actually been cleaned and the spill is. increasingly under control, Stewart stated.

BP PLC and Shell PLC are providing technical. assistance and equipment, Stewart included.

(source: Reuters)