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Republicans advise Biden to prevent French deal with Russian nuclear power company

Two prominent Republican politician U.S. legislators have advised President Joe Biden to avoid a. French business from working on civil nuclear power projects with. Russia's stateowned nuclear company Rosatom, stating doing. otherwise would help money Russian President Vladimir Putin's war. in Ukraine.

In a letter seen , Representative Michael McCaul,. chairman of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs. Committee, and Senator Jim Risch, the top Republican on the. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, prompted Biden to not waive. sanctions on Russia, saying it would enable French-owned. Electricite de France, or EDF, to participate in nuclear power. projects with Rosatom.

The sanctions, which Biden released by executive order in 2021. and later changed, address nationwide security dangers positioned by. foreign activities of the Russian Federation.

This waiver will result in more money in Putin's coffers to. fund his ruthless war of aggression versus Ukraine and. suppression of democracy, the lawmakers said in the letter,. dated May 6. We urge you to reject this proposal.

We believe the only way to influence the administration's. choice is to go public, a spokesperson for Risch informed. .

Biden last month signed into law a help package with almost. $ 61 billion in military assistance for Ukraine. He is expected. to sign a restriction recently passed by Congress on imports of Russian. enriched uranium.

The lawmakers stated exempting EDF from U.S. sanctions would. enable it to acquire a subsidiary of a U.S. business that had. been taken part in nuclear power tasks with Rosatom in Hungary,. Turkey and Egypt, projects that have been suspended for several years. due to sanctions.

The lawmakers stated over-dependence on Russian energy poses a. hazard to transatlantic security, and it is incomprehensible. that your administration would think about actively perpetuating. this dependence.

The White Home's nationwide security council did not. immediately respond to a request for remark.